Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Wife Swap

So they exchange homes for two weeks

Husbands and offspring

Duties and needs

Perchance they exchange their lives

Dinners and chores

Work and pets

But what if the sparks fly

And the ‘sleeping arrangements’ are muddled?


  1. *LOL* Have wondered about that! Then again, from the few episodes of Wife-Swap I have seen, chemistry between the swapped spouses is usually around 0%.

  2. Yeah its true. But my overactive imagination is at work here! Lol.

  3. OMG! I'm actually in the mid of an episode now. This show cracks me up! I saw a long lost friend on it a few months ago.
    I've wondered about the sleeping arrangements too. In a few years they might release "Wife Swap: The bedroom tapes" Rated XXXX

  4. u know i've always wondered about that too..i rmmber i had dis convo with my mum..haha..but yeah dat wil be some proper yawa.

  5. I always think about that when I see the show. LOL @ Mike...

  6. @ Mike now that would make for very interesting viewing. I guess I'm not the only one who has had this thought and the show just doesn't address it AT ALL!

  7. hahaha...I guess you gotta know your partner before you even entertain that idea! That will be an interesting twist...sick!

  8. hmmmm...okay I believe they would quickly re-swap when they realise the problems of each other...but...what if...

  9. Now that would be reality TV!!LOL!

  10. Ah, I'm soooo relieved that I'm not that 'sick' after all.Hehehe. It would be something else if there was some muddling! Now Mike is cracking me up BIG TIME!
    True, you really have to know your partner before you sign up for this. A marriage on the rocks would definitely not survive this, meeehn!

  11. Haven't I seen this on reality TV? I don't think any sparks flew, though. ;-)

  12. Nana, lets pray that none ever fly. Won't it be such a disaster?! Hehehe.
